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Single Member Company refers to a company that is held entirely by a single individual, whether neutral or legal, for a specific purpose. The liability of the company owner shall be restricted to the company’s capital. The limited liability nature of the company owner indicates that they have designated a portion of their inheritance for business purposes and shall be liable to the extent of their shares in the company’s capital

A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is one of the most popular and common types of business entities in Egypt. As per the country’s company formation rules, LLCs in Egypt may engage in any business or industrial activity. At the time of the company’s formation, you need to designate a minimum of two shareholders. Moreover, the partners’ obligation is restricted to the value of their equity

In a company limited by shares, there are two types of partners- shareholder- the liability of the shareholder will be limited to the value of their share; Acting or Active partner- The liability of this partner will not be limited in its share in the company but shall extend to include their own money and it will be owned by one shareholder and one active partner at least

As per Egyptian rules and regulations, a joint stock company in Egypt may engage in any commercial activity. They are required to submit yearly financial accounts, once they have been  stablished. This must be audited by an Egyptian auditor. A Joint Stock Company in Egypt should be at least 3 shareholders and the liability of the partners shall be limited to the shareholders’ value. The Joint Stock Company shall be either closed or publicly traded

A partnership Company comprises of two or more people who combine their resources to establish a company and agree to share risks, profits, and losses. The liability of the partner will not be limited to his/her share in the company but will extend to include his/her own money

 In the case of a limited partnership company, there are two types of partners- active partner- The liability of active partner will not be limited to its share in the company but shall extend to include their private money; Dormant partner: The liability of this partner shall be limited to its share in the company and it shall not extend to include his private money

A sole Proprietorship is a type of business structure that is owned and controlled by an individual. There are no partners in this business entity. The liability of the owner of this establishment will not be limited to the capital of the entity but shall extend to include his private money

A branch office may undertake any form of legal activity in Egypt for which it is registered in the Commercial Registry. There is no requirement for the minimum capital investment for the branch office

A foreign company can establish a “representation, liaison, scientific, or other office and the sole purpose of such office shall be to carry out market surveys or to study the feasibility of production without carrying out any commercial activity

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